El Metro de Panamá detalló que la construcción de la Línea 3 cuenta con un avance del 75%. Aunque aún no se conoce una fecha para la terminación de la...
- 22/10/2014 10:48
The Dutch ambassador, Wibe de Boer, visited the Panamanian Vice Minister of Economy, Iván Zarak, to discuss in which way the trade relations between the two countries can increase. During the talks, they discussed about the current Dutch-Panamanian financial cooperation.
The diplomat stated that Holland is interested in increasing their financial and trade relations with Panama, for which the regional office will augment their staff from 200 to 400 officials, in order to establish in Panama the headquarters for their operations in Central America.
De Boer added that Dutch companies also wish to establish a seat for their operations in Panama, because of the connectivity that the country offers, but the main reason is Panama's economical development.
The current Dutch investment in Panama amounts a total of two thousand million dollars; this figure could augment through a financial, technological, logistic and trade exchange. One important part of this exchange derives from the the fact that Holland has a vast experience in the development of their ports, which Panama could benefit from.