Este viernes 20 de diciembre se conmemoran los 35 años de la invasión de Estados Unidos a Panamá. Hasta la fecha se ignora el número exacto de víctimas,...
- 28/05/2009 02:00
- 28/05/2009 02:00
The death of an American citizen who was stabbed to death in what may have been a foiled home invasion is raising concerns among expats.
Jason Transansded, 30, was killed by two unknown assailants in the Chame sector, Tuesday night. He was with his family in La Claridad, Punta Chame, when the family dog began to bark.
Transansded went to the backyard to investigate and was confronted by two masked men who attacked and stabbed him.
When his family rushed out they, found his badly injured bleeding body bleeding body and saw two men fleeing in a car.
The badly injured man was taken to a private hospital in Coronado where he was pronounced dead.
Meanwhile, the police detained a car with two occupants, who had been seen near the place of the incident at the time of the assault.
The police are investigating the case trying to find out if the motive of the killing was an intended robbery gone wrong, or something more sinister.
There have been various have cases of foreigners becoming victims of crime in the Chame area over the last few months and residents are warned to take extra precautions.