El buen trato en casa y una vida sin violencia son algunos mensajes incluidos en las letras de las ‘Chiquicoplas’, una versión de las tradicionales coplas...
- 06/04/2009 02:00
- 06/04/2009 02:00
PANAMA. “We can be different, but we have the same rights. ” That’s the motto for UNICEF’s III photography contest. This year, the contest will be held in collaboration with the National Journalism Council and private enterprises.
The competition aims to highlight equality among children and the main requisite is to submit images allusive to how children and teenagers in Panama live out their rights.
From customs, sports and cultural activities, to housing and health standards, the photos should depict their everyday lives while preserving a respectful focus on their rights and dignity.
Prizes will be awarded in three categories: Media/ Professional, Open/ Aficionado (14 year olds and older), and Children (13 year olds and younger).
Photos must be submitted to the UNICEF offices in Panama or the National Journalism Council on Calle 50, by June 5, 2009.