Ciclistas, atletas, patinadores y paseantes de la capital colombiana tienen una cita infaltable desde hace 50 años: la ciclovía de los domingos y festivos,...
- 20/05/2009 02:00
- 20/05/2009 02:00
PANAMA. An American woman, who came to Panama to have a cosmetic surgery procedure died of complication in a private clinic in Chiriqui.
Patrice Lahon Clark, 30, from Houston, Texas, died after her operation to remove excess fat (liposuction) went wrong and she suffered a cardiac arrest.
According to the First Prosecutor Franklin Amaya the American came to the country as a tourist and went to the private clinic in David for her operation.
Amaya said that the Panamanian authorities through the US embassy are trying to get in contact with Lahon Clark’s family to notify them of her death.
The doctor, who operated on Clark, but was not identified, said that a complication caused the cardiac arrest and dismissed any accusation of malpractice during the surgery.
Amaya is awaiting the result of the autopsy.