El buen trato en casa y una vida sin violencia son algunos mensajes incluidos en las letras de las ‘Chiquicoplas’, una versión de las tradicionales coplas...
- 06/04/2009 02:00
- 06/04/2009 02:00
PANAMA. Panamanian politics always have been complicated and full of drama. After the recent revelations that the Alliance for Change mayoralty candidate, Bosco Vallarino has dual US and Panamanian nationality has sent shock-waves across the country. Added to the allegations that the PRD candidate for mayor was funded by a jailed Colombian accused of money laundering, many voters are asking themselves, who they can trust.
The base of the Alliance for Change think that the Vallarino scandal is negatively affecting the image of the party.
That image has already been tarnished by the allegations of money laundering made by the Democratic Revolutionary Party presidential candidate, Balbina Herrera against her rival, Ricardo Martinelli.
The Liberal party mayor’s candidate and lawyer Miguel Antonio Bernal told the Panama Star that Vallarino should abandon his candidature once and for all, because he flagrantly violated the Panamanian constitution and committed a crime. “How can you trust him to do what is right as a mayor, if as a candidate he has already shown a blatant disregard for the law,” said Bernal. “If we change the law for him, what will stop the next politician trying to do the same, because the legislation is an inconvenience for his aspirations,” added the lawyer.
Commenting about the consequences the scandal will have for the opposition, Bernal said that the only winner is the Revolutionary Democratic Party. He added that he has been approached by neighborhood representative candidates and members of the Alliance for Change, saying they will support his candidature and forget Vallarino altogether. The Panama Star tried to contact Vallarino to ask, but he did not answer his phone. However, he said in the past that he has not done anything wrong and therefore he should be allowed to run. Meanwhile the debate continues and the Electoral Tribunal will have to decide what to do with Vallarino next. He could be prosecuted by the Electoral Prosecutor and if found guilty, he could face jail time plus a fine. An incident happened in the 2004 elections when Haydee Milanes de Lay had to withdraw her candidacy, because she had dual nationality.