Dutch girls' camera took 90 photos in 3 hours

  • 07/10/2014 13:09
Just 3 of the 90 pictures taken on 8th April and retrieved from the memory card by the Dutch Forensic Medicine Institute show clear images.

One week after the Dutch girls Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon went missing, the camera belonging to one of them took 90 photos between 1:00 and 4:00 AM. If we calculate an average, one photo was taken every two minutes.

Just 3 of the 90 pictures taken on 8th April and retrieved from the memory card by the Dutch Forensic Medicine Institute show clear images. In the other photos, nothing can be clearly identified.


The first picture, which we will name photo 'A', was taken at 1:38 AM. The only thing to be seen is a rock surrounded by low vegetation. One minute later, photo 'B' was taken; it shows the branch of a bush over what seems to be a rock, surrounded by similar plants of that of photo 'A'. The branch has in each end a red plastic bag. Close to the branch, there are chewing gum wrappers and other papers to be seen.

With which purpose were this photos taken? Was someone trying to send a message? Is the amount of pictures taken a sign of desperation or of imminent threat?
We can't affirm the pictures were taken by Kris nor Lisanne. It could have been someone else who pressed the shutter.

Without a doubt,  a proper research would help find out in which part of the path between the Pianista trail and the banks of the Culubre river -where the remains of both girls were found- , were the photos taken, thus providing important information that would help figure out what happened to the young women.


On 1st April, Kris and Lisanne visited the Pianista Trail near the well-known town Boquete, located in the panamanian province Chiriquí, close to the border to Costa Rica. 
What began as a touristic hike, became a tragedy from one moment to the next. The girls who enjoyed their expedition and posed for pictures, were calling for help a couple of hours later.

No one who looks at the images, where both girls appear, can suspect that they were in danger. Nevertheless, two hours after the last photo was taken, on the same day, at 16:39 to be more accurate, Kris was dialing 112. Something was wrong. It was the first of a series of calls that the girls made to the dutch emergency line.

12 minutes later, at 16:51, other call was made, this time from Lisanne's Samsung cellphone, calling the same number.

What happened during this time, in which the adventure turned into a tragedy?

The Dutch forensic report states that 8 calls to the emergency line were made from the girls' cellphones. The last one was on 3rd April. The report also points out that it wasn't possible to obtain the position from which the phonecalls were made, nor the path that both girls followed after 1:00 PM on Tuesday, 1st April.


According to the report of the Panamanian Forensic Medicine Institute (IMELCF), a femur, a tibia and a foot belonging to Lisanne Froon -a total of 28 bones- were analysed. 
Between the pathologies detected, the researchers found 'periostitis', which is a medical condition caused by inflammation of the periosteum, a layer of connective tissue that surrounds bone. It appers usually when the person accelerates their level of training, which causes the muscles to be pulled.

The IMELCF also analysed a rib and a pelvic bone belonging to Kris. No pathologies were detected in her remains, albeit organisms from the environment. In criminology, the finding of these microscopic organisms is useful to define the possible place of death.


Enrique Arrocha, lawyer of the Kremers family, wants answers. He also demands that the prosecution defines their hypothesis. He doesn't find convincing the theory that the prosecutor Betzaida Pittí -in charge of the research- sustains. She states that both girls were dragged by the river Culubre.

The lawyer takes into consideration the low levels of water that rivers have when the dry season ends, which is insufficient for dragging a body. Hence, he requested Pitti to rethink her hypothesis and run field tests that consider the time between the last photo -where both girls appear- was taken and the first emergency call.

The remains were found on the banks of the Culubre river, located on a  12 hour hike from the Pianista trail, one month after their disappearance.


The case of the young dutch girls has called the attention of a group of volunteers from several nationalities that follow the case via Internet.

They maintain a virtual debate about their theories, based on the time lapse that beholds the first day of their disappearance, the search by rescue teams, the emergency calls and a chronological map of their belongings and remains.

Within this group of volunteers, some support Arrocha's theory and state that what happened to Kris and Lisanne wasn't an accident. According to them,  it is highly possible that the girls were murdered.

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